


Mission Statement
The mission of the Code Enforcement Division of City of Sunbury Code Administration office is to enforce the codes of the city in order to protect the health, safety, and welfare of the community and, where violations occur, to work with our citizens to achieve compliance through an efficient and fair process.

If you notice someone is in violation of a property code please reach out to our office.

Office Contact Information

What is Code Enforcement?

Code enforcement is a function local governments perform that citizens consider important for accomplishing community goals, such as protecting property values and the environment.

Traditionally, it has been a process whereby local governments use various techniques to gain compliance with duly-adopted regulations such as land use and zoning ordinances, health and housing codes, sign standards, and uniform building and fire codes.

Want to learn more about the Code Office?
Common Permit Applications

In order to promote the health, welfare, and safety of all residents, businesses, and visitors, the City of Sunbury requires certain licenses and permits.

Whether you are a weekend warrior, DIY-er, or licensed contractor, permits are required for building construction, renovation, and some landscaping projects.

Residential and commercial contractors must register with the Code Administration Office and obtain necessary permits before conducting any work within the City of Sunbury.

Process for applying for Zoning Review, Building, Electrical, Fire, Mechanical & Plumbing Permits:

  1. Confirm Zoning – Zoning Review or Building Permits
    1. Permitted Use
    2. Lot Size
    3. Setbacks – Front, Sides and Rear determined by zoning classification
    4. Lot Coverage – Determined by zoning classification
    5. (Note: If property is in compliance witht the zoning requirements, proceed to step 4)
  2. If property is not in compliance with zoning requirements, a zoning hearing approval is required before proceeding with project
  3. Upon Approval of Zoning Request
    1. Submit zoning review permit or building subcode and building plans, if necessary for final approval.
    2. (Note: Accessory structures under 1,000 sq. ft. require Zoning Review Permit only)
  4. Required Permit Issued


For more information on permits and licensing click on button below.

Building Permits Not Required:

Painting (Interior & Exterior)

Drywall over existing wall coverings

Paneling, Carpeting, Floor Coverings

Repair of Furnace & Water Heaters (Parts Only)

Window-Pane replacement

Windows & door replacement (If same size)

Repair to Toilets, Faucets, Shut-off valves & minor repair or replacement of Water Drain Lines

Minor Electrical repair – (Lights, Switches, Receptacles)

Siding Installation

Building Permits Required:

New Roofs (Asphalt – Metal – Rubber)

New structures over 1,000 Sq. Ft.

Structural repair to Interior/Exterior increased or decreased in size

New Plumbing installation

New Electrical installation

New Heating/Cooling System Installation

New Water Heaters Installation

Window & Door Framing opening increase or decrease in size

Zoning Review Permits Required:

Fences 6 Ft. or Under (any higher goes through N.E.I.C.)


Retaining walls 4 Ft. or Under (any higher goes through N.E.I.C.)

Any structure 1,000 Sq. Ft. or under (New Construction or Demolition)

City of Sunbury Planning and Zoning is a Division of the Code Administration office mission is to promote orderly and quality development in the community by ensuring that all land use and development proposals conform to the City’s Comprehensive Plan and Code of Ordinances.

If you need a zoning review permit click here to receive the application.

A peddling and soliciting application must be filled out for any organization or individual (unless exempt see ordinance below) selling, purchasing or soliciting the sale or purchase of food, printed matter, services, goods, wares or merchandise of any description or to solicit contributions, gifts or pledges of money or any other thing of value by visitation to private homes or residences or on the public streets or highways of the City of Sunbury.

The above paragraph is just a small portion of the ordinance and the entire ordinance can be viewed by clicking the button below.

What is a Shade Tree?

Any tree, shrub or other woody plant, which is planted in any right of way, or has at least one half of trunk, branches or roots extending into any right of way(generally located between the sidewalk and curb or just curb if no sidewalk is present).

Commission Overview

The Shade Tree Commission is charged with the custody and control of all trees located in the public rights-of-way of the township. This three-member body prepares ordinances and regulations, develops educational information, and implements programs in support of the township’s street trees. The Commission regulates the planting, maintenance, and removal of street trees. The City, having exclusive custody and control of all shade trees in public lands and the public right-of-way, may plant, remove, maintain and protect such shade trees. The Commission shall give recommendations and advice as to species selection, planting, maintenance, preservation or removal of trees on all public lands and public rights-of-way


No person, without first obtaining a permit from the Code Administration Office, shall prune, spray, plant, remove or cut any shade tree in public lands or a public right-of-way.

Permit is a $10 administrative fee.

The City Council adopts city ordinances which then comprise the City Code. These are the laws of the City and are put in place for the public health, safety, and welfare of our residents.

City of Sunbury Applicable Code Ordinance Links Below





Ecodes Online – contains ordinances
adopted by the
City of Sunbury Pennsylvania.

Above ordinances were adopted by the City of Sunbury Pennsylvania. 

  • International Property Maintenance Code 2018

  • International Building Code 2018

  • International Residential Code 2018

  • International Fire Code 2018

All are recognized by the International Code Council 


What is an Ordinance

An ordinance is a form of action that the City Council can take, and once adopted the ordinance becomes an established law in the City.

A proposed ordinance happens when council votes on the first reading of a new ordinance. The second reading will not take place at the following council meeting in order to allow the public to have enough time to voice their opinion. A public notice will be given prior to the ordinance being considered for adoption (2nd reading). If the majority of council votes to accept the second reading the ordinance becomes a law of the City.

Proposed and Newly adopted ordinances can be found using the button below.

An ordinance becomes effective 10 days following the date of adoption.

After adoption ordinances may be codified, at which point they can be found on eCode, which can be accessed using the button below.

eCode is where all adopted ordinances can be found. eCode allows you to print, download, share, and receive update about ordinances.


Joseph Swope

Code Officer

Joyce Neidig

Code Officer