

You belong in Sunbury

Sunbury isn’t just a wonderful place to visit or work, it’s a great place to call home! We’re big enough to have everything you need, but small enough to feel like family. Sunbury is a safe, thriving, culturally rich community that offers great schools and nearby colleges and universities. Scattered throughout the city are beautiful parks and public spaces with recreational activities for everyone.

Come be a part of it all- you belong in Sunbury!


The City of Sunbury is proud to be part of the Shikellamy School District. For more information, visit

• Triangle Technical Institute.
• Lackawanna College Sunbury

Nearby universities:
• Susquehanna University, Selinsgrove PA
• Bucknell University, Lewisburg PA
• Bloomsburg University of PA., Bloomsburg, PA

Cable tv/phone/internet

Service Electric Cablevision (SECV) is the only cable franchise currently authorized to provide cable service in Sunbury.

(877) 955-7328

PPL (Pennsylvania Power and Light)

(800) 342-5775

UGI Utilities

(800) 276-2722

Garbage Collection

Every property owner/resident must arrange for garbage collection. There are several providers that provide service in Sunbury.

Water and Wastewater
Sunbury Municipal Authority.

Property owners are required to hook up to the City’s systems. Wells and septic tanks are not permitted within the City.

(570) 286-5858

Transfer Station and Recycling Center – Sunbury Municipal Authority

(570) 286-9595

The City of Sunbury has wonderful parks, playgrounds, and community center for all to enjoy.  For more information Click Here.

The City of Sunbury requires all property owners to keep their properties neat and tidy.  If you are a renter, check with your landlord about your responsibilities. City Code Enforcement Officers may issue tickets or citations with fines to those who do not comply with City Code. Some common violations include:

  • Grass/weeds higher than 10″.

  • Snow/ice not cleared from public sidewalk within 24 hours.

  • Trash/garbage accumulation, not contained.

Whether you rent or own, be a good neighbor!

Don’t forget to register to vote or update your voter registration by going to Votes PA website or contact the Northumberland County Board of Elections for more information (570) 988-4208