



Public Safety Dept.
225 Market St
Sunbury, PA 17801

t: 570-286-4207
f: 570-286-3090 

The Department of Public Safety is responsible for the administration and enforcement of laws, ordinances, and city code enacted for the purpose of protecting the health, safety, and welfare of city residents, businesses, and visitors. The Department provides oversight and support to the Fire Department, Emergency Medical Service, and Emergency Management System. The Code Administration Office is the focal point for matters related to zoning, parcels and properties, building construction and renovation, and property maintenance.


Emergencies can come up at any time. It’s important that we as the City Government and you as an individual or family think ahead about the types of emergencies that could occur and make plans to be prepared to respond to the emergency conditions and lessen the impact. That is the purpose of Emergency Management.

Flood Hazard

The Susquehanna River Valley is prone to flooding. Floods can occur at any time of year. Whether the river rises due to snowmelt or heavy rain, everyone should know the flood risk in their local area and be prepared. 

The City of Sunbury is protected by a wall and levee flood protection system certified by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and maintained by the Sunbury Municipal Authority. Learn more about the system HERE.

Know your property’s flood risk. Because of the flood protection system, most properties in Sunbury are considered low risk for flood. However there are some low-lying properties that are at moderate risk. To find out your property’s flood risk, go to the FEMA Flood Map Service Center, or contact the City Code Administration Office at (570) 286-4207.

Even with the flood protection system, the risk for flood damage to your property is NOT zero. Property owners and renters should ask an insurance agent about the National Flood Insurance Program. Additional information about protecting your property from flood damage is available through the links below, at the Degenstein Community Library, and at the City Code Administration Office.


The Sunbury Fire Department consists of volunteer firefighters at 6 fire stations. Each fire station is home to a fire company and social club which have deep roots in the neighborhoods where they are located. Generations of families have served their community as volunteers to protect life and property from loss to fire.


Volunteers are always needed…now more than ever! Contact any of the fire stations listed if you are interested in becoming a volunteer fire fighter, fire police officer, help with fundraisers, or participate on committees. Or simply become a member of a fire station!

Sunbury Steam Fire Engine
Company No. 1

Center & Penn Streets
570 – 286 – 0657

Rescue Hose
Americus Hose

100 Linden Street
570 – 286 – 1409

East Sunbury & Friendship
Hose Company

215 Catawissa Avenue
570 – 286 – 5331

Good Will Hose

500 Reagan Street
570 – 286 – 2831


Helpful info that may be helpful to you, your business, or someone you know.

Mosquito Control