The following are established boards, authorities and commissions that work together with the City of Sunbury to conduct specific duties and functions.
To be eligible to serve on a board, authority, or commission, you must be a resident of the City. If you are interested in serving, submit a letter of interest to the Mayor’s Office at 225 Market St, Sunbury PA, 17801 stating the board, authority, or commission you are seeking and a brief description of your qualifications for the position.
Reference: Code of the City of Sunbury, Chapter 49, Blighted Property Review Committee
Membership: 4 members; 1 member of the City Council of the City of Sunbury, 1 member a representative of the Redevelopment Authority of the City of Sunbury, a representative of the City Planning Commission, and a representative to be designated by the Mayor from the Executive Branch of the City government. 4 year terms.
Meetings: as needed, must schedule meetings and provide public notice of meetings in accordance with the Sunshine Act.
Reference: 34 Pa. Code Section 403.121
Membership: 3 members; 1 member must be qualified by training and experience to pass on matters pertaining to building construction. Training and experience may consist of licensure as an architect or engineer, experience in the construction industry, and training or experience as an inspector or plan reviewer. Members serve at the pleasure of the City Council.
Meetings: as needed, must schedule meetings and provide public notice of meetings in accordance with the Sunshine Act.
Function: The board of appeals shall hear and rule on appeals, requests for variances and requests for extensions of time. An application for appeal shall be based on a claim that the true intent of the act or Uniform Construction Code has been incorrectly interpreted, the provisions of the act or Uniform Construction Code do not fully apply or an equivalent form of construction is to be used.
Reference: Police Civil Service Regulations, City of Sunbury
Membership: 3 Members; must be registered electors of the City; 4-year terms.
Meetings: As needed at the call of the Chairperson or two members.
Function: Administration of Civil Service Regulations regarding the appointment and promotion of police officers.
Reference: Code of the City of Sunbury Chapter 175, Zoning, Article XVIII, Historic District
Membership: 7 voting members: 1 registered architect; 1 licensed real estate broker; 2 resident property owners in the Historic District; 2 having knowledge and interest in preservation of historic structures; 1 building contractor. 1 non-voting member representing the Code Enforcement Office.
Meetings: Once a month if the Code Administration Office has received a building permit application and plans that require a certificate of appropriateness.
Function: Advise City Council on issuing certificates of appropriateness in accordance with Article XVIII, Historic District.
Reference: Code of the City of Sunbury Chapter 15, Housing Authority
Membership: 5 members who must be City residents.
Meetings: 2nd Thursday, 7 am.
Function: The provision of safe and sanitary dwelling accommodations for persons of low income through new construction or the reconstruction, restoration, reconditioning, remodeling or repair of existing structures.
Reference: Code of the City of Sunbury Chapter 24, Municipal Authority
Membership: 7 members
Meetings: 3rd Tuesday
Function: The project which shall be undertaken by the said Authority is for the purpose of acquiring, holding, constructing, improving, maintaining and operating, owning or leasing, in the capacity of either lessor or lessee, sewers, sewer systems or parts thereof and sewage treatment works for the City of Sunbury and for such other territory as it may be authorized to serve.
Reference: Code of the City of Sunbury Chapter 33, Planning Commission
Membership: 5 members; must be City residents; 4-year terms.
Function: The commission is required to prepare the comprehensive plan for the development of the City and present it to Council for consideration. Also may make recommendations to the City Council concerning zoning, subdivision, land development, and planned residential development regulations; and building code and housing code. Promote public interest in, and understanding of, the comprehensive plan and planning.
Membership: 8 members: 3 with 4-year terms and 5 with 1-year terms.
Meetings: 1st Wednesday at 7pm.
Function: Plan and promote the annual Sunbury Celebration. Coordinate use of ball fields.
Reference: PA Municipal Planning Code
Membership: 6 members
Meetings: Meetings are conducted via Zoom and participants should contact the SRA’s solicitor, Apfelbaum Kula, P.C. at 570-286-0210 to register and attend the meetings.
Function: Identify nuisance, blighted, vacant properties in the City. Promote blighted property rehabilitation. Declaration of nuisance properties. Acquisition of nuisance properties by eminent domain. Promote redevelopment of properties.
Reference: Code of the City of Sunbury Chapter 44 Shade Tree Commission
Membership: 3 members with 5-year terms and 1 alternate; must be City residents
Meetings: 3rd Wednesday of each month at 5:30 p.m.
Function: Advisory body to the Council on all matters concerning shade trees on public land or public right-of-way. Develop and establish a Street Tree Management Plan. Review subdivision and/or land development plans for conformity with the Street Tree Management Plan. Approval authority for permits required related to shade trees.
Reference: PA Municipal Planning Code; Code of the City of Sunbury Chapter 175, Section 175-111
Membership: 3 members and 1 alternate; must be residents of the City
Meetings: Notice of meetings shall be given as required by law and are held the 2nd and 4th
Function: The Zoning Hearing Board shall conduct hearings and make decisions in accordance with the requirements of this Zoning Chapter and the provisions of the Pennsylvania Municipalities Planning Code. The Zoning Hearing Board shall hear appeals from the decisions of the Zoning Officer, hear challenges to the validity of this Zoning Chapter or the Zoning Map, hear requests for special exceptions, hear requests for variances and perform all other acts and duties under and pursuant to the provisions of the Pennsylvania Municipalities Planning Code as said code may from time to time be amended, revised or reenacted.