Are You Interested In Starting a New Business? If so this page will help you get started on making your business come to life!
Please note this is a general guide and may not include everything that you need to do with the City.
Starting A Business Steps
Figure out what location you are going into and contact the code office to check if it is permitted due to zoning requirements.
If not permitted you will need zoning approval to change it and this can be started by contacting the code office
Get an Occupancy permit this is handled by NEIC the 3rd party commercial inspection company for the City. If you need assistance from the City please feel free to call the Code Office.
Complete a commercial building inspection. Contact Code office for more information.
You will need to obtain a Mercantile license and Business License, which can be obtained from the Treasurer’s office.
Additional Steps for Restaurants or Retail Food businesses that sell for profit
Once the Occupancy permit and Mercantile license are obtained.
Contact the code office and request to speak with the Health officer to do the First time Inspection.
Food does not need to be prepared for the first inspection however a follow up is done after 3 months at no cost.
Before Contacting the Liquor Control Board a health inspection must be done in order to get your liquor license.
Food Trucks
Will Need to obtain a Mobile Food Facility Permit
- Must bring the follow documents: Proof of Insurance, Copy of ServSafe (or another food handling certificate), current food inspection report (If not based in Sunbury), and if based in Sunbury an inspection of Food Truck is Needed.
If wanting to obtain a parking permit contact the Treasurer’s Office at 570-286-4588
Food Safety Links
Other Helpful Links